
Demo: Bill Calibration


Demo: Bill Calibration


Demo: Bill Calibration

Demo: Bill Calibration

Understanding How Buildings Use Energy

In today’s world, knowing exactly how our buildings use energy and what it costs isn’t just for experts anymore; it’s crucial for everyone. Here’s why:

  1. The Climate Crisis: To combat the climate crisis, we must eliminate the use of fossil fuels in our buildings as swiftly as possible. Achieving significant impact requires us to update approximately 10 million homes each year.

  2. Solar Energy Policy Changes: With the ongoing and upcoming changes in solar energy policies, such as the reduction of solar net metering benefits, it’s becoming tougher to make solar power financially attractive. This poses a risk not just to the environment but also threatens thousands of jobs in the solar sector.

  3. The Comprehensive Approach: The best way forward is to adopt a comprehensive approach to energy updates. This involves taking into account the building’s insulation, heating and cooling systems (HVAC), solar panels, electric vehicles, batteries, and the financials. This holistic method is essential to identify cost-effective upgrades that can support the solar industry and achieve the necessary reductions in carbon emissions.

In essence, understanding and improving how buildings use energy is key to addressing the climate crisis and supporting the solar industry through effective and profitable upgrades.